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Sand Markings with Megan Murphy

I recently had the pleasure of working with Megan Murphy, an Auckland based artist who has spent the past few years gathering photographs of beach goers sand doodles and then painstakingly reproducing them as pencil drawings. Megan has managed to capture the essence of the creators work in fine detail and has even been able […]

John Botton PSNZ Honours Submision

After working with Michael Boyd-Clark on his awesome PSNZ submission for Fellowship, I decided to put together my own submission for Associateship. I only had two days to make my selection, prepare, print and mount the images before the portfolio was due in Nelson. I assembled 30 images that I felt would make the high […]

New “Artist” kid on the block

Last week I received an email from Donna Johnstone, a Silverdale based artist whoo needed some artworks reproduced. Unfortunately the attached images of the paintings she sent were not going to reproduce well so I asked her to drop off the originals at the studio. When Donna arrived with the artworks, we got chatting about her […]

Artwork Reproduction Studio

We have recently completed the setup of our new continuous lighting artwork reproduction studio with the addition of 2 540w soft boxes which are daylight balanced at 5500K. The setup includes a tripod mounted Canon 5D mkIII for photographing the artwork. All good to go.

Michael Boyd-Clark PSNZ Honors portfolio

I received a call on Saturday 21st Feb from a fellow North Shore Photographic Society member, Michael Boyd-Clark about printing his PSNZ honours submission for fellowship. As entries closed on 28th Feb and had to arrive in Nelson before the close, time was a bit tight. I printed a set of A5 images on the Saturday for Michael […]

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