After working with Michael Boyd-Clark on his awesome PSNZ submission for Fellowship, I decided to put together my own submission for Associateship. I only had two days to make my selection, prepare, print and mount the images before the portfolio was due in Nelson. I assembled 30 images that I felt would make the high […]
New “Artist” kid on the block
Last week I received an email from Donna Johnstone, a Silverdale based artist whoo needed some artworks reproduced. Unfortunately the attached images of the paintings she sent were not going to reproduce well so I asked her to drop off the originals at the studio. When Donna arrived with the artworks, we got chatting about her […]
Artwork Reproduction Studio
We have recently completed the setup of our new continuous lighting artwork reproduction studio with the addition of 2 540w soft boxes which are daylight balanced at 5500K. The setup includes a tripod mounted Canon 5D mkIII for photographing the artwork. All good to go.
Michael Boyd-Clark PSNZ Honors portfolio
I received a call on Saturday 21st Feb from a fellow North Shore Photographic Society member, Michael Boyd-Clark about printing his PSNZ honours submission for fellowship. As entries closed on 28th Feb and had to arrive in Nelson before the close, time was a bit tight. I printed a set of A5 images on the Saturday for Michael […]
Are you a paper snob?
In this modern digital age of fine art geclée inkjet printing, there is a lot of hype around paper. This is a much-debated subject that probably goes back to ancient Egypt and the production of the first papyrus writing materials. Need I say more 😉 But it’s a discussion that’s been around a long time […]